



Live music evening with TEKA

Rupjūčio 3 dieną susitikime TonyResort restorane ir praleiskime vakarą su gyva muzika, kuria dalinsis grupė TEKA.

The two things you need to know about TEKA are Paulina's cosy velvety voice and Virgis' explosive energy.
The well-known songs, the best rock ballads of all time - from Coldplay to Chris Isaak and from Andrius Mamontovas to Aktorių Trio. The performers create a cosy atmosphere with music that will make the evening unforgettable!

TonyResort restaurant invites you to book a table and enjoy a delicious meal. Whether you are looking for exceptional flavours, excellent service or a charming atmosphere, our restaurant is ready to meet all your needs.

Reservations are required:
(8-665) 12895

*The event will be filmed and photographed, with photos and footage shared on social media

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